Enter the ScanStar 2022 competition



Enter your packaging to the ScanStar 2022 competition by filling in this form by 1. June.


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Need help?

Useful tips:

  • Explain why your packaging is something special and deserves a ScanStar!
  • Use  a little more than one sentence!
  • Make a short video using your mobile phone!  That explains more than a thousand words!

Scanstar 2022 Entry Form

Name of company and/or designer
Choose all the relevant aspects. Multiple choices: Ctrl/click.
Choose one or more relevant categories (ctrl/click)
Name of contact person
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 64 MB.
For additional information about the pacakaging.

Who may participate?

The competition is open for all packaging solutions designed, constructed, or manufactured in one of the Nordic Countries. Participation is also open for packaging solutions produced outside the Nordic countries provided that they are either distributed or commissioned by a company operating in one of the Nordic countries. Packaging entries must be marketed before the entry date and must not have featured in any previous ScanStar competitions.

Entries can be made by designers, constructors, manufacturers or buyers of packaging with an approval from the other stakeholders. Each company has the right to enter an unlimited number of packages that comply with the rules of the competition.

The entries will be judged by a jury, and the winners will be announced August 3. The Award ceremony will be held at The Norwegian packaging conference «Emballasjedagene» in Sandefjord, Norway November 10.

The fee is 1.000 euro for each entry. We will send you an invoice for the exact amount.

Please send us the packaging specimens by regular mail before June 4. We would like to receive 3 specimens of each packaging solution nominated for the prize. Please fill one of the specimens with the intended product if possible.

Mail and custom expenses are to be paid by the participant.

Address for competition entries:

Att. Per Nordberg
Karenslyst Allé 9
Pb. 442 Skøyen, 0213 Oslo

Do you have any questions about the ScanStar 2022 competition?
The Norwegian Packaging Association would be happy to help you

e-mail: post@emballasjeforeningen.no

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